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Owner, Forever 1027 Line
Founder, The KISS Ministry

Veronica A.Odum aka omblivnju 1027

Forever 1027 Line represents
works by Veronica A. Odum aka omblivnju 1027.

“OM” sound in an omelet, the glee with a “B”, “OM” sound in an omelet, Jew ten twenty-seven. My artist name was initially spelled ombliunju 1027, but in a dream, I was asked to spell my artist name omblivnju 1027. The voice in my dream said it says,”I’m living in you.” The “1027” is in reference to the scripture, Luke 10:27, the greatest commandment and second commandment. And never am I to capitalize my God-given name. I thank God for using me as one of His vessels. To God be the glory!

Raw Wisdom I.XIX.XXIII is diversified

About The Book

A thought provoking, inspirational and wholesome book that ages twelve and older could appreciate and enjoy.
All works have a story to tell encouraging discussions and friendly debates.
You may laugh, cry or feel total contentment as you critique the artwork, read each mini-story or recite a poem.
The book filters in the goodness of Yahweh aka God to inspire you to do right and be wise.
omblivnju 1027

A collection of poems, memoirs, and artworks available at the following sites:

Your support is greatly appreciated. Please share this post.
Veronica A Odum aka omblivnju 1027


Backward Thinking #1w

A soldier with no feet and no food to eat
A marine with no hands and no longer feeling like a man
A navy seal with so many unpaid bills
Sadly no one thinks any of these things are a big deal
Baby whaling for Daddy as Mom cries softly to
Knowing Daddy won't be there to tell a nursery rhyme or two
But now flip the coin and see what jail provides
For the criminals that get cold claim, they would rather be inside
Three squares and a cot and exercise to do
Probably an Olympic pool and a Jacuzzi to use
The treatment is so better in jail don’t you
Than the treatment veterans receive for their families
How backward thinking this country appear to think
And all piled high revealing the stinkiest of stinks
So stop being backward and move forward to do
Right by your brother who stood tall and took the fall for you

Be Very Afraid #2w

Out prostituting, bar hopping, and stealing cars
Society says they’re not to blame
Because, too young to claim any blame
Now to me, that’s a crying shame
Some blame on their name should stake claim
And as to the thieves, liars, and crooks
From the young the joy of youth from them you took
So to you the Severeness of severe punishment at the highest realm
Punishment decreed only by Him
This is addressed to you who waged
fraud on His children
So be very afraid

A Fact #3w

You say Science did that
I say He did that
Take a look at the facts
Who was there in the beginning of the beginning
Who created the stars, the Moon, and the Sun
He was there only He, The One
And the breath of life in us He blew
We, His children to be used
as His tools
Who spoke all and it became
The glory is His in Jesus’ name
So Math, Science, and any of that
I say He did all of that
Just take a look at the facts

To God be the glory

Tell It #4w

Running around with butt cheeks hanging out
Nothing to eat, not even a bean sprout
Wondering how long will it be and how much more can I take
While trying to catch an even break
Was it worth all the sacrifices made
Breaking the bank from all needed to be paid
Then I’m reminded by Him of why He chose me
To glorify Him in every thought and deed
No need to worry or be afraid
For He has spoken, and this He said
Go and tell all the world about Me
Help open their eyes and ears to believe
Then I will come live with you and you with Me
And dance in the moonlight for all Eternity
To God be the glory


The Cornerstone #5w

Have you ever felt lifted up
And for the life of you, you don’t know from what
But you know how you feel and the feeling is real
He lifted you to do what you know you must do
The Best He placed in you
To do the very best you can do
That’s why He lifted you
Now leave this place and face the human
Speak what you know of His mercy and grace
Speak on His love, the cornerstone of every place
And glorify Him in every place you case
To God be the glory

Come See #6w

She walked into the room asking, Granddaddy what did he say
I heard you asking although I was very far away
I thought you might need my help and you were calling out
And that’s why I came quickly to find out what it was all about
You say it was only you talking loudly to the tv
Then you said now Grandbaby, I know you know me
And by the way my dear grandbaby, thanks that was so sweet

My 9-1-1 #7w

I’m talking to you but you must not hear
Could there be something wrong for now I know fear
Need to keep the line open and keep my ear near to hear
For now, I sense an urgency to hear from you, my dear
No surprise I don’t slip into a panic mode
Since worry adds nothing to the situation I‘ve been told
Subtraction of head hairs and a multitude of twitches
That’s what worry will do for you if worry fetches you
Now on my third call to you and not much more can I take
Father God send an angel in my stead to check out my soulmate
I’m still now and waiting on You
You know my needs and You know what to do
Broken silence from the sweet ringing of my phone
And the glorious voice saying I’m on my way home
Thank You Father God for once again proving to me
You are always here for me whenever I need
You’re my 9-1-1
To God be the glory

Live or Let Die # 8w

Problematic and dramatic
Like an addict on crack
Or a heroin attack
Maybe an opium den
All these places you’re been
These are problems
And you need to solve them
These are problems
Problems that grow with each use
Leaving the body in morbid abuse
Trumping the mind and trumping the soul
Suffocation of life from the head hold
Seeking relief from all the rip-torn grief
Tearing down walls of pain is the belief
Stealing good times like a sneaky thief
With a happy euphoria no matter how brief
But not knowing you’re fooling only you
For Death Finds all users when the payment is due

Keep It # 9w

Just keep it over there
I’ve got a story to tell but I won’t tell if you don’t tell
Just keep it over there
There’s dirt on you and dirt also on me
No point in debating whose dirt is more dirty
Both yours and mine are one big mess
But let me remind you this is all once again a life test
You nor I are perfect
But to Him, we’re worth it
Another trial and another tribulation
Smothered in our declined declarations
Yes there’s dirt on both you and me
And dirt is dirt and smells of defeat
Just keep it over there

Say Cheese # 10w

You say I love taking pictures
True yes I do
For a picture is the eye of a memory to see whenever you want to
Catching a glimpse of life's past events
Is a picture’s first and foremost intent
Laughing while smiling is the first sign to embrace the moment that withstands the test of time
Remember that bushel of large crabs ready to eat
With sweet ears of corn completing the feast
Add a tossed salad to relieve the pallet
And a tall cold drink called lemonade pink
Then the Sloppy-Joe kissing and the squeeze from tight hugs
Captured forever with the camera lens of a shutterbug

Shame On You # 11w

Hey you, you just took something from that clothing rack
Now you’re looking around to make sure no one saw you for then you would have to put it back
You know it's not paid for by you
But you want it anyhow for you
yes you do
You won’t call it stealing for that makes you a crook
And under your garment declares all you already took
What’s wrong with you didn't you learn better
You know doing right and not wrong really matters
Hiding your face for the shame you’re not willing to face
Led off in handcuffs and now in total disgrace
Shame on you is the credit now due
And all that know you feel the shame too
Now off to jail for many months to contemplate
If you had lived upright this hard time would not have been your fate
Shame on you

It’s Been A Pleasure # 12w

Taking this journey for You is an honor and a pleasure
It is a journey sprinkled along the way with so many treasures
Growing up in a loving family
Educating me no longer food for slavery
Loving a man who truly loves me
Birthing a son for my future legacy
Grands growing up and me being able to see
And being of sound mind to enjoy all of these
All these gifts I treasure immeasurably
Thank You for the time You’re given to me
It’s been a pleasure no one can measure
To God be the glory.


Do More #13w

Always review what you think you know
At least two more times and see the growth
You have planted a seed and it will take root
No longer remaining under an uneducated foot-to-boot
Believe in yourself believe you can achieve
And in all the earned benefits you will receive
Education is a realm on the ladder to success
So climb upwards and keep climbing to another life test
And when you go high enough and the job is done
Appreciate the two extra times you beat the educated drum
He’ll be the first to applaud you while saying well done
Now come and enjoy your crowned

Could It Be # 14w

I hear the sound of your rhythmic heart
A soulful sound that captured my heart from the start
Could it be love
I wonder, could it be
I smell the subtle scent of your cologne
Enveloped in your arms reminds me of home
Could it be love
I wonder, could it be
There’s an emotion exploding inside of me
Like a stick of powerful TNT
Could it be love
I wonder, could it be
The lopsided smile on your face
The tell-tale glasses you always misplace
And I wonder, could it be love
I wonder, could it be

All Yours # 15w

You and your baby
Saying this baby is not a maybe
No not your baby
At every appointment and monitoring my intake
Reading baby books since a good Daddy you plan to make right out the gate
Changing diapers and feeding him also
Sharing your knowledge all Daddies need to know
Bathing him with caution and snuggling him so lovingly
For baby be three in the family
Throughout the years you have proven to me and also your son the wonderful family man you have become
Leave a message to Deadbeat Fathers not being Daddies yet
The family is where true happiness grows so get all that you can get
Then give thanks to your Heavenly Father Who taught you all these things
Happiness comes when loving others with all the joy it brings

Try Walking # 16w

He’s driving too fast
He won’t make the open gate
So now he must slam on his brakes
Just bumped his head
He’s probably dead
All because of the red light he ran
Blood gushing from almost every pore
Every inch of his body looks like an open sore
Eyes now blank and mouth open wide
The look frozen on his face is how he died
Another wasted life because of recklessness
And now he has taken off to his final rest
So listen young drivers and listen well
This could be you if you’re driving like a bat out of Hell

So Young # 17w

So Young
Lining them up
All ten in a row
Seeing my smile in the pennies
all aglow
Getting my hat and coat to go
Planning to binge on
a ten-cent candy-high ride
When he offered ten pennies
just to view
I decided to do what I had to do
So down went the pants and
the panties went down next
Not knowing his plan was to
have kinky sex
Oh boy was I dumb being so young
Coming towards me now skin-to-skin
Making a move to stick it in
And that is when
I knew in my heart this act was a sin
Such a fragile lesson to have learned
As tears dropped while looking at the pennies I’d earned
No penetrating final act can he claim
But the skin-to-skin game left me with mind pain and shame
It’s hard for me to share this story
with you
But He said this I must do, I must share this with you
Ten shiny pennies tore at my soul
So I must share all to make me whole
There is pain in knowing your heart isn't true
So free the heart, free the mind, and the soul is freed to
Yes I had a ten-cent candy-high ride that day
Young and dumb is my defense today
Those ten shiny pennies were the sadness of yesterday and still sting to this day
So protect all your today and all your tomorrow
And for you it will be one less sorrow

To God be the glory

Too Late # 18w

Too Late.
A killer, a liar, a thief, a cheat
A threat to society because they repeat
How can you do right by your fellow man
While standing there with a gun in your hand
Planning to rob and perhaps even kill me
Ill-gotten gain from someone who deceives
Nothing but the devil hiding behind that wall
Waiting to see how long before you fall
You must realize he wants company and doesn't care if love becomes hate
He wants you as one of his soulmates
To burn in hell in the end is what you get
So come to Him and repent
Ask for forgiveness and to be received for now you believe
You will love with all your heart, body, and soul and never deceive
And love your fellow man to see blessings in His glory unfold
Given to you to behold
So ask in truth to be saved
Before the final end settles in your grave
Then you’re too late, too late
for the opened Pearly gates
Too late

To God be the glory

Do Believe # 19w

Do Believe
I can’t believe but I believe
So much through me He
plans to achieve
The race begun
Planned victory already won
Illumination in glory, Jesus His Son
So to spread His Word
And when all have heard
He will come and dwell with us
This promised in the name of His Son Jesus
To God be the glory

Left Behind # 20w

Left Behind
Satan setting a trap for someone else
But the only one trapped is himself
Be he a failure to what he tried
Wanting us to follow him when we die
For evil is as evil can only be
And deeds of hate make him happy
For Satan wants a fall and not a lift
A groom of doom he wants all to gift
For he knows his day Is soon to come
So suffering he must give to someone
Now don’t let this message rattle you
For you have been taught what to do
And you know by Whom
Now say Satan get behind me
And this is where Satan must be
To God be the glory

Sporting Goods # 21w

Sporting Goods

Why do you call it a white sport
That’s an afront to God
2 hands 2 feet
All created for you to compete
Don’t forget your awesome brain
to know what to do in His name
Never forget your two eyes to see
In your view 270 degrees
From your left and from your right
Seeing and believing you can conquer anything in your sight
So a game of golf or tennis is not for just the white
But for all who step in its light
He created all things for all to enjoy
Not just for the little white girl or little white boy
So swim the Olympic pool or the ski slopes
And don’t call it a white sport then others can also hope
You have to see many nations in all God planted for us
And together we must come together in the name of His Son Jesus

Let Go # 22w

Let Go
Sometimes holding on lets go
And when it goes
There is nothing to do at all
No more hangings on
No more planning to build
Everything is left in limbo
Left to figure the next move
Left to answer why
Why not go right
Why not do right
Right is right
And there in holds The Truth
Never to let go
Hold on

Knowing # 23w

Are you thinking about Me said He
And if you are, do you truly believe
In Truth and in understanding do you receive
In receiving Me says you believe and now we can proceed
Go to the highest mountain
Travel the longest road
Tell My story as you were also told
Present to them My Grace and My Mercy
And how it is given to those who believe
Entering in My love deeply knowing they have been received

The Dance # 24w

The Dance
He whispered in my ear
So no other to hear
Words of I love you dear
My very first dance
With my husband Vance
Holding me talking to me
As only he can talk believe
You’ll never again need to
fix a meal
I present to you a cook’s meal deal
I know how my cooking makes
you feel
I love you that much I do
All of you from your *Honey Boo

*Note: Not really my Honey Boo,
It just worked in the poem, Honey.

Baltimore Ravens 12.31.23 # 25w

Don’t blink
That's a second
It’s a move so fast
In the blink of an eye
And he has already gone by
Yes I’m talking about those Ravens
They are craving a SuperBowl ring
And the way they’re playing, it’s more than a pipe dream
On the move is Lamar and his crew
Disrespected, they had something to prove
Showing off seven and one on the road
Five and two where the Ravens abode
Enjoying the game and bringing in the new year
With plenty of good folk spewing plenty of good cheer
So go Baltimore Ravens
Go chase your dream
Your actions declare
You are contenders for a Super Bowl ring

Indeed # 26w

First I’ll read
What I need
To read
Before doing the deed
If I want to succeed
That’s why being schooled
Is my primary tool
English Science, Reading, and Math
Also Physical Ed for all needed crafts
I must learn to discern
Whatever I learn
So I don’t act a fool
I knowx why I need to be schooled
Then I’ll have the tools to succeed
But first I must be able to read
In order to succeed
At any deed
First I must be able to read

Busy Bee # 27w

I’m so busy doing so many things
Not enjoying anything
Not one thing at all
Concerned I could fail and fall
Why do so many things all at the same time
Is it because I want dollars and not settle for mere dimes
Leave me alone you act as if I’ve committed a crime
I must admit so much I do try to do
So I will take a pause and listen to you
You’re a true friend who truly cares for me
And you say you want me more in your company
You say I accompany joy
And more of me you want to enjoy
Thank you dear friend for letting me know
I know it was God Who told you to do so

To God be the glory

Huggy Bear # 28w

Grandmas need love and lots of hugs
Don’t squeeze
Give hugs of love
Whenever or wherever Grandma zooms in on you
She senses an excitement all anew
Virtual or real the encounter, she is happy and content
With the time well spent
And the surprising things on life’s menu
She hopes always to continue
Like a slice of cherry pie
A touch of peanut butter on the side
Her day is satisfying and complete
Like a feast you eat
So always show Grandma your love
Give her love in your hugs
And Grandma will cherish your love

Oh, by the way, Grandpas also love to be hugged.

Do Right # 29w

Take a look at an integer line
To the right of zero is positively devine
But to zero’s left, negativity is all you find
A negative nature comes from what is man-made
But a positive nature is what God made and gave
Let zero represent Him, the Omnipotent
Positive goodness and right will be all that is vent
While negatively lays low in wait
Hoping you won’t be received at the Pearly gates
So watch your numbers and from them only take
The right side of what’s good for heaven's sake

Strike Three # 30w

He first said lamb.

Strike Three

Three times He said to Simon Peter
Feed my sheep
But why the need to repeat
Wasn’t once all that He needed
But He our Savior repeated
The need to feed His sheep
They must be fed they must be led
to lead
To the place planned to fulfill all wants and needs
So three times He decreed
Feed my sheep
Three times to repeat

To God be the glory, in every man’s story.

Stay Behind # 31w

Satan get behind me
Get behind me
I don’t want you
I don’t need you
Around me
Get behind me
My God in the name of His Son
is all I need
So Satan get behind me

Let Me Be # 32w

I’m called a child of The Living God
Let me represent Truth for You
Let me be a vessel
Let me talk
Let me walk
Let me do all that’s right for You
Let me be a vessel
Let me stand tall
Let me fail a fall
Let ime be pleasing in all I do for You
Let me be a vessel
Let me be Your blessing
Let me be Your love
Let me be
Because I’m called a child of The Living God

Wake-Up # 33w

Keep waking me
Father God
Keep waking me
Let me speak for You
Let me walk in Your shoes
Then whatever You need done
I can do
Make me like You
So good and of truth
And of love
Making happiness for all
Let me answer the call
So please Father God
Keep waking me
Keep waking me
Keep waking me

To God be the glory, in every man’s story,

His All # 34w

You can call it love
That which is only for you
In the beginning of time was given to you
He chose you because He knew you
He created you
He gave you His breath
He gave you a reason for being
He gave you life
He gave you desire
He gave you love
He created you
And there is only one you
Because only one you
is all He needs
All He desires
All for His pleasure
Dipped in His eternal love
All for you
All His all

Know Who # 35w

Call Him Yahweh
It’s His Holy name
Know His Son Jesus
And Yeshua are one and the same
Be wise in Wisdom
Be wise to know
What The Letter told you
Only then in Truth can you grow
Ask in the name of Jesus
Whenever you pray
And know that you speak of Yeshua
The Son of our Heavenly Father,
Whose name is Yahweh

To God be the glory in every man’s story.

Stand-Up # 36w

Are we able to stand
On our own two feet
Or will we always need You to lean on
Do we have Faith in our own all-knowing
That Your Way is the way to be going
Your Way reveals all that is true
And all blessings come only from You
Only Your Way for there is no other
Now stand-up my sisters and brothers
Stand on your own two feet
And follow Him
His way is The Way to seek
Do you my sisters and my brothers believe
By Faith all wants and desires can be achieved
So on your own two feet, my sisters and brothers stand
Knowing this is what our Father planned
Conceived in the beginning for each of us
In the name of His Son, Jesus

All Good # 37w

Be happy
Happiness is a good thing
Being happy
Brings you peace
It brings you joy
And it spews only love
There is no sadness in happiness
No pain to gain
In you, it stakes a claim
Happiness trumps all pain
Be happy
Happiness is a good thing

God is good. All the time, God is good.

Do U # 38w

Do you believe
Do you believe you are a chosen vessel for God
Do you believe you are a tool to be used by God
Well, do you
Now you say yes you believe
Yes you believe you are a chosen vessel for God
Yes you believe you are a tool to be used by God
Well, if you do
Get up
Get up right now
Get up and do
Do all He needs you to do
But once more I ask you
Do you believe.

Hello # 39w

Did you get the memo
And if so
Did it make you happy
Directing the right way to go
Did you follow the leader
And willing to do as He says
And if so
With the knowledge of Wisdom
Did you first drop to pray
Then shout the highest of praise
Glorifying Him The Father
In your Savior Jesus’ name
And if so
You got the nemo

And you took the time to read it.

Pour it Out # 40w

Pour out Wisdom on me
Let me know who You are
Let me understand why we are
What is the meaning of all of this
Tell me through Wisdom why we exist
Pour out Wisdom on me
Only then will I have ears to hear
And eyes to see
Your glory glorified within me
Your grace and mercy that set me free
Your undying love to embrace me
Embracing me ever so tightly
Pour out Wisdom on me
Pour out Wisdom on me

Driftwood # 41w

It’s about believing
And also receiving
The Letter we pray
Don’t you be the one
That drifts away
If you truly believe
And happy to receive
His words spoken on this day
You won’t be the one
That drifts away
You’ll hold on
To Whom you know you belong
Because the Truth you’ve received
This Truth you trust and believe
His way is the right way
Then you won’t be the one
That drifts away

One Moment Please # 42w

Live in the moment
The only one you have
Yes this very moment
So be happy and glad
Will you take this moment
Wondering what should you do
Or live in the moment
That Time blessed to you
Not a day nor a year
Can pass by
Without a moment in time
Being multiplied
So live in the moment
Live in it well
And give God the glory
Before the moment dispels


Storytime # 43w

Such a beautiful story
A story about love
And also hate
A positive force
And one to negate
In the beginning, He gave
Love to behold
To give Him pleasure
This I’ve been told
And only to love Him
As He first loved us
Proven in the sacrifice
Of His Son Jesus
A battle was much-needed
The Adversary to defeat
Negating confusion
And living in peace
This beautiful story
Goes on and on and on
Every today we wake
At the break of dawn
To God be the glory.

Asking # 44w

Like a wounded bird
Reaching out to You
Asking You to

Hold me tight
Tighten the tight
Tighter than tight

Keep me close
Close the close
Closer than close

Let me be still
Still to be still
Stiller than still

This wounded bird comes to You
Reaching out to You
Asking You

omblivnju 1027

My Way # 45w

He said
I am the Potter
You are the clay
I made you
My you
I made you My way
Then He said
No kicking against the pricks
I will give you the bricks
I am your only fix
I am the Potter
You are the clay
I made you
My you
I made you My way

To God be the glory in every man’s story

Today’s The Day # 46w

Today’s the day to say I Love You
And also I want You and need You
I don’t believe my life would be blessed
Had You not been there to help me out of each mess
Sometimes my path seems gloomy and dark
Torture then invades the chambers of my heart
But You know what is the best option for me
And You know how to fulfill all that I need
So my heart beats these words for me to decree
Today’s the day to say I Love You
And also I want You and need You
Today’s the day

onblivnju 1027


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